BatGuys Urban Wildlife Photo Gallery
These photos are free to anyone that wants to use them for non-commercial use. These photos may be used for book reports, college papers, home and garden websites and any other website that will use them in good taste. These photos may NOT be used by any Animal Rights groups (PETA), Wildlife Control companies or for any other commercial company without the express-written consent of BatGuys Inc.
I will usually grant permission for these photos to be used in books, on websites or other types of commercial publications as long as credit is given to my company. I have high-resolution pictures of most of the better pictures in the gallery. Feel free to contact me via email if you would like to use a specific picture and I'll try to dig up a high-resolution version for you.
Click on links below to see full galleries.
I will add more pictures to these pages as I take them, so check back often.