Rhode Island Squirrel Removal
Gray Squirrels in Providence and RI
The greater Providence area and the entire state of Rhode Island are home to a large population of gray squirrels. We frequently perform gray squirrel removal services in the most urban areas of downtown Providence and Pawtucket. In these areas, there is very little natural habitat left for the squirrels, so they adapt by living in houses (soffits and attics). Gray squirrels exploit weak spots in soffits and trim-boards to get into attics. These furry little chainsaws can take take a small area of wood-rot and chew it into a hole the size of a baseball in just a couple of minutes.
These gray squirrels are found in large numbers throughout the entire state. We get calls from people with gray squirrel problems from Woonsocket to Watch Hill. This includes the rural areas of Rhode Island, but these inner-city squirrels are definitely the toughest to deal with.
Flying Squirrels
"I didn't know we had flying squirrels around here." It seems like I hear that one on every job. Flying squirrels definitely keep a low profile and very few people are aware that they exist in Rhode Island.
Flying squirrels are found in certain parts of Rhode Island. These nocturnal animals definitely prefer the quiet life of the suburbs over the big cities. The northwest part of the state is home to a healthy population of these graceful animals. South County also has a great number of flying squirrels. The towns of Exeter and Hope Valley seem to have more than their share. Flying squirrels are completely nocturnal and are very seldom seen during the daylight hours. They make use of small holes, cracks and gaps in a house's roofline and soffits to gain access. These animals are very hard to evict from older houses where wood rot is present as they possess an incredible ability to chew their way through wood. Flyers are usually active at night in attics and will often create lots of noise as they scamper around collecting food and socializing. Most people with flying squirrels in their attic will notice noises and scratching in the floors and ceilings at night. We frequently have our customers tell us "it sounds like they're bowling up there." This is because these animals stockpile acorns in the attics where they live. The "bowling" sound that is often heard comes from flying squirrels rolling acorns across the floor of the attic as they move them from one place to another.
Squirrel Trapping and Squirrel Proofing Services
Squirrels are quite possibly the most common pest that we deal with in Rhode Island. We structure our services to provide permanent solutions to squirrel problems. Through years of constantly improving our methods we have come up with a very effective process that we use to remove all of the squirrels that occupy a house. Once all of the squirrels are gone we will properly seal the access points that the squirrels were using and also secure any weak areas that squirrels might chew through in the future. When the service is complete, your home is both squirrel-free and squirrel-proof.
BatGuys performs hundreds of successful squirrel removal projects every year in the state of Rhode Island. If you have a squirrel problem and would like to speak to a licensed wildlife technician or would like to set up an appointment to get your problem taken care of, please contact us.